Here you can delete the entire search history (Clear watch history, Clear search history), delete some of the search results or pause search history.Remember that, if you delete search history, all the videos you have searched for previously will not affect the video recommendations shown to you by YouTube, nor will it be shown in the Search box.
2018-12-8 · Clear YouTube history from Android. The process for clearing your YouTube history from Android is similar to that of iOS. There seem to be a few updates of the YouTube app floating about though and I have seen at least three different UIs and ways to access history so you may have to search a bit to see yours. Bing - Search History Your search history isn't available right now. Check back later How To Remove Your YouTube Viewing and Search History Note that disabling Viewing and Search History in your YouTube account will not prevent Google from gathering and storing this information and using it for internal purposes. Bing - Search History Keep showing your new searches on this page and use them in search suggestions Clear your search history This will clear your Bing search history on this device.
How To Delete YouTube Search History | Technobezz
2018-11-30 · You won’t be able to delete everything at the same time. Also, only your watch history and search history can be deleted. Select either watch history or search history and then hit the Clear All button to remove them. Your community posts, live chat messages, and comments cannot be removed in bulk from the YouTube account interface. How to Clear Your YouTube Search History | TechBoomers 2017-11-12 · 5. Click Search History to see what you’ve searched. There are a few different categories of history for various activity on your YouTube account. Select Search History on the right side to specify that that’s what you want to review. 6. Click X beside items you want to delete or click Clear All Search History to delete the whole list. How to Clear YouTube Search History? - wikigain
2020-7-22 · Activists say its a symbol or white supremacy and slavery and urged commissioners to support the removal of the Confederate Monument on Broad Street
Clear YouTube History On iPhone and iPad. In case you want to, you can easily clear YouTube Watch History and YouTube Search History on your iPhone or iPad by following the steps below. 1. Tap on the YouTube app to launch YouTube on your iPhone or iPad. 2. While on YouTube, tap on the 3-dot menu icon located at the top right hand side of your Nov 17, 2019 · How to Completely Delete YouTube Search and Watch History If there are too many unnecessary things to remove individually, think about completely removing the search and viewing stories; however, that also means that until you build up your YouTube history from the ground up again, you will not receive any suggestions. Select history from the Library. Click on the search history tab and all your searches activity will be displayed. YouTube interface showing history management panel. One can easily find and open your previous searches here. They are sorted by date. As you can see for example 3 days ago. To remove your selected search logs, click the X in front